Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dutch Giraffe

Do any ZOoF readers out there speak dutch and care to translate?


  1. Run Chart example:

    "Dumb giraffe is blocking my view" sadly!

    Describe Run Chart:

    Lost my concentration because of giraffe ...

  2. Give an example of a "Run Chart". Also explain in words what a Run Chart is.

    Example Run Chart:
    "Too bad, this stupid giraffe is standing in the way!"

    Description Run Chart:
    "I have lost my concentration because of the giraffe"

  3. Q: There are different ways to visualize variability. Please give below an example of a ´run chart´ and also give an desciription of what a run chart is.

    A: Alas, stupid giraffe is blocking the view!

    Description of run chart: Lost my concentration because of the giraffe

  4. There are several ways to visualize variability. Draw a run chart below, and explain in words what a run chart is.

    Example run chart:

    "Stupid giraffe stands in the way. Alas!"

    Define 'run chart':

    "from my concentration by the giraffe..."
