Wednesday, September 2, 2009

This ending is not acceptable

So I guess the kid got bored writing the essay and just copied the lyrics to the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air's opening theme song. Novel idea, but the teacher didn't appreciate it; probably because the TV show wasn't properly cited in the bibliography.


  1. Poor kid, I thought it was a decent essay. Not deserving of an F...maybe a C+. sidenote: If you look on my Grad picture in the 1994/95 EMCS annual, you'll see I put "Will Smith" down under the "Hero" category (ok, so I used to get hero and idol mixed up)

  2. The author also cribbed freely from the Wikipedia article about Will Smith.

  3. What about the teacher? What exactly is "INCOMPRETE"?


  4. I can't believe some teachers have such AWFUL handwriting. SERIOUSLY!! It looks like a third grader graded this paper!! This is a huge pet peeve of mine.
