Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Big Trouble in Little China


For those who don't read Chinese, apparently the student was supposed to write the opposite of the chinese character, but instead just wrote the same character upside down and backwards.

For those that do read Chinese, can you verify what I just said?


from Frank:
Directions say: (part 3) Write the opposite word... 8 points.
1. left
2. up
3. small
4. come


  1. Directions say: (part 3) Write the opposite word... 8 points.

    1. left
    2. up
    3. big
    4. come

    The responses are the same characters, just upside-down (not backwards... but I guess you meant from a mirroring point of view :oP :o) )

  2. Thanks for clearing that up Frank!
