Monday, February 16, 2009

Turning things around

You may already know this, but in case Alex has neglected to tell you, I am assigning him to detention for one hour this Friday, April 22nd. The reason is as follows:

Alex consistently defied me. During class he contradicted me numerous times when I insisted that the length of one kilometer was greater than that of one mile. Every other student in class accepted my lesson without argument, but your son refused to believe what I told him, offering such rebuttals as, "You're lying to the class," and commanding other students to challenge my curriculum.

Although he was correct, Alex's actions show a blatant disregard for authority, and a complete lack of respect for his school. In the future, Alex would be better off simply accepting my teachings without resistance.

Please see to it that your son understands this.

What a bunch of BULLSHIT, I hope the parents gave this teacher an earful! What do you teachers out there do when you have a student that dissents and turns out to be correct?


  1. This is not bullshit. While it looks like the teacher was being an idiot, one thing you learn in school, if you're smart, is the proper way to inform an authority figure that they've made a mistake. Yelling "you're lying" is not it.

    Of course, if you're a teacher, do NOT, under any circumstances (other than debate class), get into verbal sparring with your students. Even when you win, you lose.

  2. I am wrong all the time. I pronounce things the wrong way and I mess up math problems. If i am proven wrong, i get happy. At least someone was listening.

  3. This isn't a submission by a teacher or student; it's an Internet chain letter.

  4. Even if this particular letter is fake, incidents like this (the teacher being wrong and still punishing me despite being wrong) happened to me several times (my elementary through jr. high had low district standards.)

    I agree with Marmaduke but the way kids learn is through example, and the teacher could have handled the situation much better, being the adult.

  5. A teatcher of a friend of mine said there wasn't a regular 20 faced solid. Well, he has a d20 (a dice with 20 faces) with him. But his teatcher just said it was a fake. He didn't get a detention, but almost.
