Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Some people don't look up until they are flat on their backs

Some people don't look up until they are flat on their backs.

This quote means some people can't look up because something has happened to their necks so they can't look up. for example, if a person gets kicked in the neck by a kung fu midget, they will not be able to look up.

The student would have got full marks if they omitted midget, because a kung fu midget can only kick you in the neck if you are also a midget.


  1. I hate to be that person, but this one is a repeat, too...I'm not sure from when, but I just began looking at the site around November or December, so the archived stuff is pretty fresh in my mind still.
    Sorry! :(

    Great blog though..it makes me smile every time :)

  2. November 7th...sorry!

  3. DOH, I can't believe I did this again! I guess that'll teach me to just leave my mistakes alone, instead of trying to fix them. Thanks for pointing this out and thanks for reading.
