Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Reservoir Dogs Style Hostage Negotiation

For every point you take off, this guy loses a limb!
I have a stick family! Give him what he wants!
He means busines. Innocent stick people don't need to die!

Excellent stick figure hostage negotiation! It's obvious that the stick figure with the axe means business, yet the teacher still marks it all wrong. I guess the teacher doesn't have any compassion for stick figures.


  1. This is a great site. You should get some sort of prize. As someone who also has to grade this kind of stuff, I applaud you. In my case, Picasso seems to have painted the Sixteenth Chapel.

  2. Thanks for the praise Ellen. If you've got any of those tests/assignments still, I'd love to, with the permission of the student, post them on this blog. email me if you're interested: zerooutoffive[at]gmail[dot]com
