Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What was the teacher smoking when she marked this?

10. i)Comment on the relationship between the sine of supplementary angles. Provide two examples to illustrate your point.

It’s kind of like the relationship between humans and the platypus no one knows anything about the platypus other than it’s a poisonous duck-beaver.

Examples: what sound does it make? what is the plural of platypus?

ii) Comment on the relationship between the cosine of supplementary angles. Provide two examples to illustrate your point.

It’s like the relationship between metal heads and rude boys [no]one knows what would happen with them together. The metal heads would probably turn off the ska music and put on metal. But the rude boys would be too laid back to do anything about it. Or maybe as a second example they all get along because they’re all from underground music scenes and would band together. Again no one knows.

The teacher's comments of Good and Excellent on this test, boggle my mind. The student's answer is way out there and doesn't come close, even methaphorically! The actual answer is the sine of supplementary angles is the same and the cosine of supplementary angles are the negatives of each other.  What does this have to do with the platypus and metal heads?  Maybe the teacher is being sarcastic?

By the way, there isn't an agreed upon plural for platypus


  1. The teacher probably didn't read the answers!

  2. I don't think a teacher actually marked this...can you prove it's authenticity?
